Do Blood Clots Happen More Frequently In Your Legs When Flying?

Blood clots can be rooted in one for the major deep veins in your leg. The circulation of blood in your leg is then blocked. This clotting can be painful and cause swelling, and even create a warm feeling in your leg.
If you’re a traveler, and travel by airplane often, you could be more prone to blood clots in your legs. The reason for this is because you are sitting for long periods of time with very little circulation happening in your legs. Your little to no legroom does not allow you the mobility that you need to move around, extend your legs, or adjust to multiple positions. This is often referred to as “economy class syndrome.” Economy class syndrome is really deep vein thrombosis or DVT.
There are some things you can do during air travel to prevent blood clots.
- Wear clothes that do not restrict circulation in your legs or hips.
- Walk around the aisle every once in awhile on long journeys. You can do lunges or squats in the aisles to increase circulation.
- Say ‘yes’ to lots of water, and say ‘no’ to alcohol.
- Do not hold items on your lap for long periods of time.
- Your carry-on items should not impede you from moving around. Place them in the bin above your head.
- Choose compression stockings to wear.
- Try not to cross your legs.
Call Dr. Alan Benvenisty Vascular Surgeon today.
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