Make a Healthy Vascular System Your 2020 Goal

Millions of Americans suffer from some form of vascular disease. Vascular disease is any condition that affects the network of blood vessels that move blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body to feed tissues and carry off waste. Vascular diseases There are a variety of vascular diseases, but they all affect how the blood flows through the arteries, veins, and vessels and can cause life-threatening problems.
While family history can play a role in who is affected by vascular disease, lifestyle choices are the main culprit. In the day in age where everything is literally at our fingertips, it takes concentrated effort to live a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Alan Benvenisty encourages you to make having a healthy vascular system your top goal in 2020. Here are two simple ways to do just that:
- Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. No, you don’t have to “go Keto,” or give up sugar forever! But, a healthy diet is a diet of moderation. Limiting sugar, saturated fats, and processed foods will go a long way in helping you get and stay healthy. Eating a diet that is full of real foods (vegetables, fruits, lean meats, legumes, whole wheat) will allow your body to run properly.
- Get moving! Inactivity promotes laziness for your entire body. When muscles are not used, they become weak – this includes your heart. Physical activity is essential when trying to get and stay healthy. Your heart is a muscle, and it must be worked to stay strong. Aerobic exercise gets your heart pumping overtime to make it stronger. Activities for aerobic exercise do not have to over-exert you. Aerobic exercises include brisk walking (which almost everyone can do), swimming, and cycling. Just 30 minutes, five days a week, can get your vascular system stronger.
While eating a healthy diet and getting exercise take effort, they are two simple ways to change your entire life.
You only get one life to live. If you want to enjoy life without the complications of vascular disease, make it your goal to eat healthily and exercise. You do not have to run marathons or be a bodybuilder. Simply make good choices that will benefit your body and your heart.
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